- Commissioning mode page
- Scope page
- Template page
- Daylight harvesting page
- Row harvesting page
- Twilight page
- Task tuning page
- Targets page
zencontrol commissioning application version 1.4.0 introduces the ability to light level commission. This commissioning process allows users to configure light level behaviour through a number of different processes.
To access light level commissioning navigate to the control system list and select the relevant control system. This will take you to the control system function page, from here select "Light level commission", this will take you to the light level commissioning mode page.
Commissioning mode selection
When first entering the light level commissioning process it is expected that you have already completed address commissioning on the devices. If you have not done so, you may be presented with a warning asking if you would like to complete the addressing process first. You may choose to do so, or continue to the light level commissioning process.
On the commissioning mode page you can select the modes you wish to commission, daylight harvesting or task tuning. Each mode has a summary below to indicate how many uncommissioned device locations would be eligible for commissioning in that mode. If there are no eligible devices for a mode, it cannot be selected. Selecting daylight harvesting will allow you to configure daylight harvesting, row harvesting, and twilight mode. Selecting task tuning will enable it to be configured either before or after any daylight harvesting options selected. At least one of these modes must be selected to continue.
While commissioning, lighting commands will be sent to increase or decrease relevant device light levels. This page also offers the option to send these lighting commands to every device on the controller at once rather than a specific subset.
If you have already completed light level commissioning and wish to edit or change the light level behaviour again, enable the "Recommission all" switch. This will ignore the existing commissioning state of the devices and include everything on the scope selection page.
Proceeding from this page will lock the control system and inhibit switches and sensors. It will also stop any running tests or sequences.
Scope selection
The scope selection page will allow you to select the 'scope' of devices that you wish to commission. Each row represents a group/room of eligible devices. An eligible device is either a light sensor, or dimmable light. If you wish to see a breakdown of the device locations in a group, enable the "Show device locations" switch at the top of the page. Clicking a row will now expand to show the device locations associated with that group.
Each group row contains several pieces of information. The group number and label is displayed in the top left. The bottom right of the row will contain a summary of the number of devices left to commission in the group. For example if six of the devices in a group have not been light level commissioned this information may read as "6 of 10". There are 10 devices associated with the group, 6 of them still require light level commissioning based upon their commissioning state. A light is associated with the group if it is assigned to the group. A light sensor is associated with the group if it is primarily targeting it.
If a light is not assigned to any group, or a light sensor is not targeting anything (this is unlikely if address commissioning has been completed properly) it will be added to a "No Group" row at the bottom of the scope list.
A group may not be eligible for daylight harvesting or task tuning based upon the type of devices associated with it. For example if a group has 10 associated lights and no sensor, only task tuning can be configured. A sensor would be required to configure daylight harvesting, row harvesting or twilight mode. The group row will display orange text explaining if this is the case.
In most cases you will be selecting a group to commission. If there is the need to commission an individual device location, enable "Show device locations" at the top of the page, click on the group the device is associated with them select the desired device location to commission.
Depending on the commissioning mode selection made on the previous page, selecting a group or device from the scope list will proceed to task tuning, the template configuration page, or the first configuration page of the wizard.
Template configuration
The first time you start light level commissioning on a control system (or when returning to it from commissioning a different control system) and you have selected a scope to configure daylight harvesting on, you will be presented with the template configuration page. This page is used to define what sensor features you wish to modify in each assigned profile.
To disable all sensor features for a profile you can untick the checkbox on the left side of the profile row. With the checkbox ticked it will allow you to choose what features you wish to edit. You can choose to modify, do not modify, or disable. By selecting to modify features, you are essentially building the structure (steps) of the commissioning wizard. Do not modify, will leave the feature 'as is' regardless of if it has already been set or is disabled. To disable a feature you need to explicitly select "disable" from the dropdown.
If you wish to apply the same features and settings to multiple profiles they can be "linked". The box next to the profile checkbox is the link button. Clicking it will mark the profile as linked. Any other profiles marked as linked will adopt the same feature settings as the first profile and will save the same values to the cloud upon completion of the wizard. Changing features of a linked profile will automatically update the other linked profiles.
Internal lux can be enabled for a profile. If a device within the selected scope supports internal lux it will be set upon completion of the wizard. For more information on light sensor applications see here.
Saving the template page will build the wizard based upon the selected features. While proceeding through the wizard you have the option to swipe (from left to right) to the template tab to view your template settings. If you change the template part way though the wizard, a warning will be shown explaining that it will restart the wizard and any progress will be discarded.
Your template will be remembered after saving it. Selecting another scope on the same control system will keep using your last template options. As mentioned above, if you wish the change the template, you have the ability to swipe (from left to right) to the template at any point in the wizard to change it. If you wish to modify the template for the current scope without it being saved for next time, you can tick the "Template is only for current scope" option at the top of the template page.
Daylight harvesting
If you have marked daylight harvesting in the template selection page to be modified in any of the assigned profiles, the daylight harvesting page will be presented. From this page you can set the target lux for each light sensor in your selected scope.
From this page, and any others in the middle tab of the light level commissioning wizard the following information is available at the top of the page: The current profile you are configuring the light sensor features for, and the number of sensors and lights which are in your originally selected scope. There is also a button to identify devices in the currently selected scope.
To set target lux you will need a calibrated light meter to get readings from. The daylight harvesting page will be used to adjust arc levels for dimmable lights in the current scope. There are four buttons on the daylight harvesting controller, the left hand side of the screen allows for large arc level adjustment and the right hand side allows for fine arc level adjustment. Once the light meter is reading the desired value press the "Set and finish" or "Set and continue" button to take a reading from the sensors and continue.
Row harvesting
If you have marked row harvesting in the template selection page to be modified in any of the assigned profiles, the row harvesting page will be presented. From this page you can enable row harvesting for each light sensor in your selected scope.
From this page, and any others in the middle tab of the light level commissioning wizard the following information is available at the top of the page: The current profile you are configuring the light sensor features, and the number of sensors and lights which are in the originally selected scope. There is also a button to identify the currently selected scope.
There are two values to set for row harvesting in the light level commissioning wizard, the strength, which sets the severity of row harvesting, and the number of rows (between two and four). Once an option other than disabled has been set, you have the ability to identify each of the rows to determine which row the targets have been assigned to. To edit the targets swipe from right to left to access the targets page, the row assignment will be shown in the title of each target row when row harvesting is visible. Press the "Set and finish" or "Set and continue" button to save the strength and number of rows and continue to the next step of the wizard.
Twilight mode
Twilight mode is used to determine what action is to be executed when the twilight lux levels are met, as well as what those levels should be.
First select a twilight mode, for an explanation of the different twilight modes see here. Once the twilight mode is selected you have the ability to adjust the light level to the desired target lux, There are four buttons, the buttons on the left hand side of the screen allow for large arc level adjustment and the right hand side allows for fine arc level adjustment.
When the light meter reads the correct value, press the corresponding button for the value you are trying to set (the buttons will change to reflect the twilight mode selected). When a value is recorded for that setting a tick will appear in the box, you can adjust this value by simply pressing the button again.
To manually set either the on or off lux value long press the corresponding trigger button. This will take a reading of the current level and allow you to adjust it before setting. Once the twilight on and off lux level are recorded the wizard will progress to the next step.
Task tuning
Task tuning is used to set the maximum arc level for your current scope. Depending on the commissioning mode options selected at the start of the wizard, this page can be used to set the light level for each selected scope or the entire control system.
There are four buttons, the buttons on the left hand side of the screen allow for large arc level adjustment and the right hand side allows for fine arc level adjustment. Adjust the light level using the buttons until the lights are at the desired value, press the continue button to save the value to each light and continue.
The right most tab of the light level commissioning wizard allows you to view and manage the targets for the sensors in your current scope. These targets are the same regardless of the profile you are configuring. By default the target page will only show the addresses of lights in the current scope, there is a toggle at the top of the screen to allow you to select any group, or address on the current control system, you can also choose to broadcast to the entire control system.
Targets will not be saved unless you press the save button at the bottom of the screen. If you leave the target screen without saving your changes will be lost.
Completing the light level commissioning wizard
Once you have a template configured the light level commissioning wizard will display the current step in the title bar, (eg. Daylight harvesting). Underneath the title the current step as well as the total steps in the wizard are Displayed (eg, Step: 1/4), If no steps are shown there is only 1 step in the wizard. when you reach the final step (eg. Step: 4/4) the next button on the middle tab will display "Set and finish" clicking next from here will save the changes you have made to the zencontrol cloud and synchronise them to the control system.
If you have other uncommissioned scopes, or you have chosen to recommission all, you will be returned to the scope selection page to choose the next scope to commission. If you have completed all scopes you will be returned to the control system function page.
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