- Commissioning wizard settings page
- Commissioning scope page
- Group tab
- Lighting tab
- Emergency tab
- Relay tab
- Devices tab
- Wireless tab
- Manual selection
- Sensors and Switches
- Pending changes tab
- Selected product page
- Saving desired settings
- Troubleshooting
zencontrol commissioning application version 1.0.0 introduces the address commissioning wizard. The address commissioning wizard allows users to address and group IEC 62386-102 Electronic Control Gear (ECG)s and IEC 62386-103 (ECD)s attached to zencontrol control systems.
To access the commission wizard navigate to the control system list and select the control system you wish to commission. This will take you to the control system function page, from here select “Address commission”, this will take you to the address commissioning wizard settings page.
Address commissioning wizard settings page.
Quick commission
You can also opt to enable “quick commission” which will automatically populate the device location label with the group name. Entering this page will lock the control system, this means that other users will not be able to use control system functions and sensors will not trigger lights, any changes synced to the control system will not be applied till the user goes back from this page.
Emergency auto label
If quick commission is disabled the user can select the "Auto-label emergency type devices" this will set the device location label to the control system name and the fitting address.
Stop tests
If set this will stop any tests running on the control system, and schedule them to be restarted at a later date. If this setting is disabled any devices under test will not be able to be switched on or off if they are switch maintained. Depending on the device under test you may still be able to identify, but this behaviour is undefined.
Disable automatic light sensor selection
If set this will no longer allow sensors to be selected by shining a light into it, instead sensors will be commissioned by using the Devices tab.
If set this will set selected device locations back to not commissioned and allow them to be recommissioned.
Clear pending changes
If set this will clear any pending changes on the control system.
User search settings
Expanding this will allow you to configure the feedback the Android device will provide during the search functions to allow for faster/minimal visual input commissioning.
Select next to lock the control system and continue.
Commissioning scope page.
Now you are shown the commissioning scope page. Here you can select the scope of the address commissioning wizard, if there are previously created groups with assigned ECGs to it you will be able to limit the scope to just these groups, alternatively the user can choose to search through all ECGs and ECDs on the control system.
Select a scope to continue.
Address commissioning wizard
Now you are in the address commissioning wizard, the control system will be locked and normal lighting functions are inhibited. There are 6 tabs in the address commissioning wizard. Group, Lighting, Emergency, Relay, Devices and Pending Changes.
This tab will show a list of upto 16 groups configured on the control system. In this tab you are able view, edit, identify and delete groups on the control system.
Each entry in the list will contain a button to identify ECGs assigned to that group as well as the group number, group label and number of devices currently assigned.
To add groups, press the “+” button in the bottom left and enter the desired group name and number. To delete a group hold press on the list entry and a delete confirmation prompt will appear, follow the prompts to delete the group.
Search pages
There are three ECG search tabs in the address commissioning wizard, separating the ECGs into lighting, emergency and relay. While in one of the search tabs a header will be visible allowing the user to set the desired address, desired room group and other group. At the bottom of the page the number of devices left to commission for each tab will be displayed.
To quickly add a group from one of the search pages simply press the “+” buttons next to the selected room or other group and enter the desired details.
Each of the search tabs contains a button in the top right to identify the entire control system, this can be used to ensure the fitting you are trying to address is attached to the correct control system.
The lighting page will allow you to search through all lights connected to the control system within the scope you have selected. To start searching select “Start search” and depending on the settings you selected in the previous page you will be presented with two buttons, Max and Min or Off.
Once start search is pressed all lights in scope will be in the two states listed on the buttons, simply select the state of the light you wish to address and continue until the selected product page appears.
The emergency tab has two possible ways of searching through connected emergency ECGs, first is to manually move through the search pool identifying each ECG by clicking the left or right arrows, selecting “Found it” when the ECG you are searching for is flashing. The second method to search through Emergency ECGs is to set a change delay (the default is 2 seconds) and select start. The address commissioning wizard will then send identify to each emergency ECG in the search pool after the delay you have chosen. When the ECG you are searching for begins identifying select “Stop” you can now manually move through the pool to ensure the correct ECG is selected and select “Found it” to move to the selected product page.
The relay tab will allow you to search through all of the emergencies within the chosen scope. To search through connected relays press the left or right buttons until the relay you are searching for turns on. When your desired relay is on select “Found it” to move to the selected product page and enter the desired information.
The devices tab will allow you to search through all of the Electronic Control Devices within the chosen scope. To search through connected relays press the left or right buttons until the device you are searching for starts identifying. When your desired device is located, select “Found it” to move to the selected product page and enter the desired information.
The wireless tab will allow you to search through all devices broadcasting on bluetooth. Swipe to wireless tab and pull down to refresh the wireless list. The list will show all the wireless devices in range listed in order of signal strength. Selecting a wireless device will prompt you to determine if the fitting you wanted to commission is identifying. Confirm your selection to read information from the device, move to the selected product page and enter the desired information.
Manual selection
On supported zencontrol Ektor Generation III Emergency ECGs pressing the test switch at any stage while in the address commissioning wizard will take you to the selected product page for that fitting, allowing for the user to set desired settings for that fitting without having to search through the pool.
Sensors and switches
In version 1.1.0+ of the zencontrol commissioning application selected switches and zencontrol switches can be manually selected by pressing the switch or triggering the light sensor by shining a torch at the sensor.
Pending Changes
This tab contains a list of all the pending changes stored on the cloud which can be applied to the control system.
The top of the page contains a switch to show pending changes for the user selected scope or the entire control system.
To edit a pending change select a list entry and you will be taken to a page to edit the details. Press the sync button to apply the changes to the control system and exit the address commissioning wizard. To delete a pending change hold press on the list entry and a delete confirmation prompt will appear, follow the prompts to delete the change, deleting the pending changes for a location will also remove pending changes for all ECGs on that location.
Selected product page
Once a device has been selected the selected product page will be displayed, from here the user will be shown information about the device location of the ECG or ECD and allows the user to set a desired location, location identifier, and plan details for that location. The selected gear or instance will be highlighted green, any other gears, devices or instances at that location will also be shown, these will be sequentially addressed with the next available addresses in the pool, to save these suggested settings select the checkbox on the far left of each entry.
Making any changes to entries on the selected product page will automatically 'check' the row to be saved.
Saving desired changes
On the selected product page, when there are multiple components at the location and only some of the entries are selected, the save button will show a plus (+) symbol. If clicked, this will expand and provide the option to either 'save all' or just save the rows which have been 'checked'.
If all entries are checked the save button changes from a plus (+) to a save icon and will not expand. Pressing the button when it is in this state will just save everything at that location.
Why can't I apply my pending changes in the address commissioning wizard?
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