The Grid view is an important tool for viewing and updating your devices remotely. When a building is fully loaded however this data can be quick a challenge to quickly navigate to.
zencontrol has solved this with its clever search field.
Search Term: The search term is the text you want any column to contain. This can be used with an OR operator || to allow a combination of terms.
"kitchen" will return all rows that have the word kitchen.
"kitchen||second" will return all rows that have either kitchen OR second in any column.
"ro" will return all rows with "ro" such as "controller" or "boardroom"
Search Query
The advanced search method gives you finer control in displaying your data. The advance search will be made up of one or more comma separated search queries. A search query is made up of the following three components. <Column name><Search Operator><Search Term>
Column Name
In the grid view the data is displayed in columns with headings. These heading can be used to refine the search term to just that column. Just use the column name as it is shown to signify that column. Column names that are nested under a parent heading are used in conjunction with each using a period as a separator.
If the column does not exist then the appropriate column will highlight orange.
Search Operator
Before we explain the way to use the advanced method, we first need to define the search operator options. Search operators are two character strings used to tell us how you want the search term applied to the Column name.
We have two types of Search Operators, sticky and non-sticky:
Sticky: This means that this Search Query will be present on all subtabs of the Grid View until you leave the page. This allows you to switch between Overview, Device Types, Emergency, device... without having to add the Search Query again.
Non-sticky: This means that this Search Query will only be present on this tab and will be discarded once you switch tabs. Perfect for simple additional filter that is relevant for the current tab.
Now you know the types there are two Operators for each type, inclusive and exclusive.
Inclusive: You want the Column Name value to contain the Search Term.
Sticky version: ==
Non-sticky version: +=
Exclusive: This is the opposite to inclusive, you want the Column Name values that do not contain the Search Term.
Sticky version: !=
Non-sticky version: -=
If you only want the controllers for the kitchen we can use
Controller location+="kitchen"
If you want all the controllers on the first and second floor except the kitchens then you can comma separate the Search Queries.
Controller location-="kitchen", floor+="first||second"
If you are on a controller and want to a list of all zencontrol devices while you click between ECG and Emergency then you can use the sticky version.
Product name=="zencontrol"
Will filter all columns labelled "Control system" regardless of nested headings:
control system=="test"
Will filter only columns labelled "Control system" under a "Location" nested heading:
location.control system=="test"
Will filter only columns labelled "Control system" with no nested heading:
.control system=="test"
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