In some cases, you may wish to monitor your dali line.
Dali monitors are run via the cloud. There is a maximum number of monitors that can run on each site and per user.
Currently the limit is (as of 23/08/2022):
Monitors per site: 10
Monitors per user: 15
Exceeding this will return a rate limit error.
Multiple simultaneous monitors may be required to debug network commands. Network command issues require tracking the flow from one controller to the next.
Download the monitor
To generate a monitor log for debugging, download the zencontrol monitor.
The monitor can be found under Tools -> Download zencontrol monitor
Monitor download location
Once downloaded, extract the files and click "CreateLoginCredentials.bat" and in the command prompt, login with your username & password.
To monitor a controller
For wireless controllers, click on the "WirelessDaliMonitor.bat" executable.
For wired controllers, click on the "WiredDaliMonitor.bat" executable.
Type the number of your site or f<string> to search for a site name then the number. (eg. for zencontrol search "fzencontrol")
Type the number of your control system you want to monitor, taking note that the index is 0 indexed and doesn't necessarily match your controller IDs.
The monitor should start and the various commands should be visible inside the window.
Example wired controller monitor log, wireless controllers have more information
When testing is completed, you can export the monitor to a tsv which can be attached to a ticket. The button for this can be found in the top left.
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