A desired network can be configured on a control system if you require it to use a given network configuration when connecting to the cloud. This is usually used when an automatic (DHCP) network configuration causes issues for the control system or the control systems are given a specific range of IP addresses to use.
A desired network can be set through the Network tab in Grid view. Double clicking the Desired network field or clicking the edit button will open up a dialog with the current desired network settings which can be edited. When updating these settings make sure you KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING. Incorrectly setting up a static network on a control system WITHOUT a rollback enabled can potentially cause the control system to not be able to be connected to again.
Warning dialogs will appear when attempting to save a desired network in the following circumstances:
- The configured network is either the very first static network or does not match any other configured static network
- The IP address specified is a duplicate of an address on a different control system
- A rollback deadline has not been specified even though it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED even if you are confident in the network settings provided
It is important that you read any dialogs that may appear when saving a desired network and make sure you understand what you are doing if you choose to continue with saving.
If you are given a range of static IP addresses to use for your control systems, you can sequentially set IP addresses and desired networks for a range of control systems by clicking the corner of the first IP address in your range, holding the CTRL key on your keyboard and dragging down all of the rows that you want the same network for. This will increase the IP address by one for each row that is dragged down on.
If you need to switch between DHCP and a static network and vice versa then you can do so by right-clicking on the control system, going to Advanced settings and click on Switch to DHCP or Switch to static network depending on what you want to do. Switching to a static network will use the currently set network settings in the columns to the left of desired network. It will also automatically set a rollback deadline incase it fails to switch networks.
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