Network requirements for zencontrol, including host addresses and port numbers, are available on the dedicated network requirements page. To obtain certificates, you have multiple options. The most straightforward method is using your web browser; however, this approach doesn't work for all hosts and ports. In such cases, you'll need to use the OpenSSL method to acquire the necessary certificates.
- Enter the host:port into the browser
click on `Not secure`
note: It is saying that it is not secure because some of our certificates are self-signed, and are not known to chrome. - click certificate is not valid
- If the connection is secure, you should click on 'connection is secure' instead, and then certificate is valid
- details and export
- save file
- This process is similar to chrome, enter the host:port into the browser.
- click on `Not secure`
note: It is saying that it is not secure because some of our certificates are self-signed, and are not known to edge browser.
- click 'Your connection to this site isn't secure'
- click the 'show certificate' button
- If the connection is secure, you should click on 'connection is secure' instead, and then show certificate
- details and export
- save file
openssl should work for all site/port combinations, but requires it to be installed on command line.
openssl s_client --connect <HOST>:<PORT> 2>/dev/null | sed -ne '/-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-/,/-END CERTIFICATE-/p'
openssl s_client --connect 2>/dev/null | sed -ne '/-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-/,/-END CERTIFICATE-/p'
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