The Colour control view can be found in grid view under the Device types tab. They can be navigated to from the Ecg and Group assignment views as well using the external links.
The Type lock column can be used to switch the device between the applicable types that the device is capable of switching between. Changing this field will clear out some of the other fields and you will lose those settings. The type lock affects what values can be set for the other colour control fields.
The Temperature fields can be changed to limit what temperatures the device can be set to. These fields only apply for the Colour temperature (TC) type lock. The Physical coolest and Physical warmest values are generally only set once by the installer of the fitting and are locked upon doing so to ensure these values don't change. Changing the Coolest and Warmest temperatures will limit what temperatures the fitting will be allowed to change to. The Step increment field determine how many steps per second the fitting will change between temperatures. This value is specified in steps per second in mirek. The amount of kelvin units used for the step is determined at the time of fading based on the current temperature level of the fitting.
The RGBWAF channels are used when the type lock is set to RGBWAF. These values should match what the physical channels of the fitting are wired to. If these channels are setup incorrectly and do not match what the physical fitting channels are then the colour of the fitting will most likely not match what is currently set on the device.
The Colours fields are the current colour settings for Power on and System failure that are on the device. The colour pickers used for input will change based on the type lock. The RGBWAF colour picker will only display number inputs for the channels that have been assigned to the fitting in the RGBWAF channels. It will not write to any channels that do not exist but the colour you pick may not match the colour that the actual fitting is outputting.
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