Occupancy Sensors and switches coexist with a circadian rhythm sequence.
Both devices obey prescribed intensity. Additionally, switches can also override the circadian rhythm sequence if the user wishes to take control of the group due to a button press.
Overriding the circadian rhythm sequence allows concepts such as: if the user fades the light cooler, the circadian rhythm sequence is overridden for 30 minutes. If the user dims the light, the circadian rhythm sequence no longer controls intensity for some time (but might continue to control colour).
Intensity and colour temperatures are optional parameters of the circadian rhythm sequence. With this in mind, the user can also combine a light sensor - provided that they have not prescribed a light intensity during this period (this would be a clash of two processes).
The following additional behaviour applies:
For light intensity:
If a light is off, changes will not be sent to the target until it has been turned on. When the target is turned on, the light will automatically be turned on to the correct point in the sequence.
When a user presses a switch or engages a sensor by trigger to turn the lights on, rather than sending their own preset intensity, their on commands will be modified to the prescribed intensity.
For example, if a sensor is programmed to recall maximum level on motion detection but there is a circadian rhythm sequence running on this group prescribing 90% light intensity - rather than the sensor bringing the lights to maximum, the lights will be brought to 90%.
For colour temperature:
Colour temperatures are transmitted to lighting devices, regardless of whether they are on or off - this will not cause a light that is off to turn on.
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