Note, other control systems normally reference scenes, however, a DALI scene is different from most control systems. Scenes in many other control systems are similar to Groups in DALI.
A scene is a configurable arc level that can be applied to an ECG. An ECG can have up to 12 scene values configured at once. Scenes can be given a label for each scene for each DALI group. A scene label should not be created for two groups that have the same ECG assigned to both groups.
Create scene labels
To get started with scenes you must first commission your groups. Once the groups are commissioned, go to Groups & scenes -> Scene name and create the required scenes for each group.
If an ecg is in multiple groups, it is only possible to use the same scene number once for that ecg. An error will be shown on the scene name if there is a conflict, and the scene label should be moved to a different scene number. The X-Broadcast group is available for all controllers and contains all ecgs on that controller. It can be used for allocating broadcast scenes, or site-wide scene numbers for sequences that target scenes across controllers.
When an error occurs, you move the scene label to a different number by right-clicking the conflicting label, and selecting move scene. A list of available scenes for the current group will be shown, select the desired number and click move. Note that all the scene assignment levels on the ecgs will move with the scene number change. Similarly, the group the label is targeting may be changed by selecting move group. Note that this only changes the scene labels group, and not any underlying scene values.
Assign scene levels
Scene levels can be set for each of the ecgs that are assigned to a group with a scene label. To configure the assignment of the ecg scene levels go to Groups & scenes -> Scene assignment and enter the arc levels for each ecg. To configure the scene levels for a specific group right click and filter by the desired group.
It is helpful to hover over each cell to determine the scene label.
If you wish to configure a specific scene label from the Scene name page right click the scene label and show scene assignment. Notice the scene is highlighted on the Scene assignment page.
Testing the scenes
To test your scenes got to Groups & scenes -> Scene name, right-click the scene label, and go to scene.
Live scene values can be seen from the Device types -> ECG view for each device or from the Groups & scenes -> Group name view for each group. This does require a premium subscription for live scenes to be able to see them. If you do not have the subscription on any control system, the live scene value columns will not be visible at all. Please contact support to purchase a live scene subscription.
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