A power profile is used to to set benchmarks (indicative power targets) and times of the day that you want to calculate power savings.
Power profiles can be created and configured by visiting grid view and navigating to the profile perspective. There are three views here related to power profiles which must be configured to work properly.
The power category view is used to categorise or group power over a period of day together. The main use for a power category is setting the calculate savings field which allows us to aggregate power in a category together for that period. e.g. Aggregate office hour power together and calculate a benchmark for that period of the day (i.e. 5m² is the target whilst the building is occupied).
The power view is where the profiles are set up for the site. Profiles can also be created for a particular tenancy if they require different operating hours or benchmarks. You can pick a category that has been created in the power category view for a profile which will determine whether or not savings are calculated for that profile. Savings calculated are specified in the category view and is used to calculate savings from the maximum level.
The main setting that requires focus in the profile view is the benchmark. The benchmarks are used to help the integrator set a target value for the customer. The customer can then aim or tune their site for the target power level. Many aggregations can use the benchmark such as savings in respect to the benchmark instead of max power, daylight harvesting savings in respect to benchmark instead of max power etc.
The final view is the power schedule view. This is similar to the control schedule view. This view will determine at which times a power profile is active and should be used for any power calculations at that time. You can have multiple schedules for the same power profile but they can not have the exact same time settings. Ensure not to have overlapping time periods if possible as it makes it harder to work out what power profile you are actually in.
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