A (non-exhaustive) list of zencontrol Control4 driver features.
To start using Control4 with zencontrol see Get Started With Control4.
Controller Driver
Bridges Control4 and zencontrol systems. Represents an individual zencontrol controller (eg. AC-PRO). Sometimes referred to as the "LCM driver".
This driver performs automatic commissioning of Control4 drivers based on a scan of the zencontrol controller.
- Variables for:
- Controller online state
- Current profile number
- Commands
- DALI Commands - Min, Max, Level, Up, Down, Scenes, etc. to individual address, DALI groups and broadcast.
- DALI DAPC start sequence and DAPC Stop Fade
- Virtual instance commands
- Profile change
- Load Scheduled Profile ("return to scheduled profile")
- DALI Colour Temperature (raw - usually best to do this via the individual light driver)
- Inhibit (stop sensor events from changing DALI targets for a given time) - and the ability to cancel the inhibit period.
- Actions
- Set Fitting Number Visibility - across all associated drivers show or hide the fitting number (eg. "199.0") that is prepended to devices by default.
- Reset All Log Levels - across all associated drivers set the log level to the level specified (keep in mind you can also adjust the internal Control4 log level separately for performance tuning reasons).
- Sync with zencontrol - systematically query the Control4 controller and sync the results to the associated drivers.
- Commission with zencontrol - after sync, automatic commissioning can be preformed by clicking this button.
- Properties
- Controller status (read-only) is indicated in the properties. Connection status, sync status, DALI Line status, etc.
Keypad Driver
Represents buttons/switches - either single or ganged together on an External Control Gear.
- Events
- Button hold, button press, button release, led overridden.
- Variables
- Click count, hold time in milliseconds, last click elapsed milliseconds, current target number, target LED is on.
- Commands
- Override LED on button
- Conditionals (and loops)
- Button LED is On, Button is Being Held, Button is the Target (of the event)
- Bindings
- BUTTON_LINK bindings for each button on the keypad.
Occupancy Sensor Driver
An occupancy sensor driver provides Control4 Input bindings and events which can be used to trigger things.
- Events
- Occupied / Unoccupied
- Variables
- Is Occupied
- Properties
- Enable / Disable - events for occupancy sensors are silenced by default. Enabling un-silences the events necessary for the sensor driver to function.
- Occupancy Expiry Timeout - the amount of time (in seconds) after the last occupancy event occurred to wait until triggering a Unoccupied event.
- Actions
- Set Occupancy (manually)
- Bindings
DALI Light Driver / ECG Driver
The light driver is also called the "ECG driver" because in addition to representing a light it also acts as a generic DALI control gear driver.
Because this driver is based on the Control4 Lighting V2 API all the usual commands, variables, etc. are present.
- Events
- Turned On, Turned Off, Brightness changing.
- Button events
- Variables
- Brightness percent, brightness target, light state, etc.
- Last heard scene number.
- Commands
- All the Control4 lighting commands...
- Set full-colour and colour temperature.
- Virtual button commands.
- Set Brightness to Value Of - set brightness to the value of a variable.
- Properties
- Control4 Lighting properties (eg. click/ramp rates, default on brightness, etc.)
- Override max/min DALI Level.
- Define Max/Min Colour Temperature in Kelvin.
- Override DALI Power Curve (defaults to DALI Logarithmic Curve - Linear available). This affects percentage to level conversion.
- Dim-down Behaviour can be Dim to Off or Dim to Min.
- Actions
- Create Fan Driver - commission a zencontrol DALI Fan Driver from this ECG driver.
- Create Blind Driver - commission a zencontrol DALI Blind Driver from this ECG driver.
- Create Relay Driver - commission a Control4 Relay Driver (of about 20 different types) based on this DALI ECG.
- Bindings
- BUTTON_LINK - Top, Bottom, Toggle.
- BUTTON_LINK - Colour Temperature Cooler, Colour Temperature Warmer, Colour Temperature Toggle.
DALI Scene Driver
This is a Control4 Lighting driver with limited functionality that allows native DALI Scenes to be called on address, group and broadcast targets.
It can be used by the Advanced Lighting Agent scenes so that DALI Scenes can be easily presented to users on navigators.
- BUTTON_LINK - bindings for all groups and broadcast.
DALI Blind Driver
This driver implements the Control4 Blind API, so it has the variables, events and commands that Control4 expects.
- Events
- Starts opening, starts closing, fully closed, stopped, target level changed... etc.
- Variables
- Target level, Closing, Open, Movement, Blind Type, etc.
- Commands
- Open, Close, Toggle, Stop, Target Level
- Conditionals and loops for all the variables
- Properties - standard Control4 blind properties (configure level bindings, change movement and blind type, etc.)
- Bindings
- BUTTON_LINK - Open, Close, Toggle, Stop
DALI Fan Driver
This driver implements the Control4 Fan API.
- Events
- Fan On, Fan Off, Fan Speed Changed, (no direction change)
- Variables
- Current speed, is on, is reversed, preset speed.
- Commands
- Standard Fan API commands - On, Off, Toggle, Speed Up, Speed Down, Set Speed.
- Set Fan Speed Percentage.
- Designate Preset (set the current speed as the default preset)
- Properties
- On Preset - when the fan is turned on what speed it should go to.
- Preset DALI Levels - for each preset (in a positional manner) specify the DALI level that should be associated with that preset. If your driver has less than 5 presets you can amalgamate presets by setting them to the same levels as another preset.
- Bindings
- BUTTON_LINK - Cycle Up, Cycle Down, Toggle, Designate Preset (on Long Press), Off, Low, Medium, Medium High, High.
All zencontrol Drivers have configurable log levels and pervasive logging to aid in debugging.
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