What is Sensitivity?
Sensitivity allows adjustment of how easily a PIR or microwave sensor detects motion. A high sensitivity results in a sensor very easily detecting motion, whereas a low sensitivity makes it harder for a sensor to detect motion.
As per the 303 standard, sensitivity is in the range of 0 (least sensitive) to 100 (most sensitive).
Changing Sensitivity
It is recommended to use the zencontrol cloud as it most easily allows you to configure your site. The sensitivity can be changed from the Occupancy sensor page on the cloud, if the sensor supports it.
If the sensor does not support configurable sensitivity, this field will state "unsupported"
Sensitivity Support
Some products do not support sensitivity configuration. As detailed above, this can be checked on both the cloud and via raw commands.
Sensitivity support is clearly visible on the Occupancy sensor page; if unsupported, the sensitivity field will be greyed out and state "unsupported". If this field allows configuration, it will display the current sensitivity or "default" if it has not been adjusted.
Raw Commands
The command QUERY SENSITIVITY (detailed below) will reply 255 if the device does not support sensitivity.
Utilising Sensitivity
In general, the default sensitivity will be right for most situations. If the sensor supports it, and the situation demands it, the sensitivity can be adjusted to suit the physical conditions of the sensor's location.
Tuning Sensitivity
If the default sensitivity is causing the sensor to trigger too easily, and the sensors placement/facing can not be adjusted, its sensitivity can be reduced until it detects only as easily as required. Conversely, if the sensor is struggling to detect motion, the sensitivity can be increased until it detects motion sufficiently.
Monitoring Sensor Detections
There are several ways in which the detections of a sensor can be observed.
Detection LED
Almost all zencontrol sensors have an LED which blinks as the sensor is actively detecting motion. In general, the motion blink is a brief flash of the motion LED repeating once a second whilst motion is present.
The Occupancy sensor page has a "Triggered" column, which displays how recently a sensor has observed motion. If the page is refreshed, the Triggered column shows a loading symbol until the sensor detects motion.
In this way, recent detections can conveniently be observed.
zencontrol Monitor
The zencontrol Monitor is the best way to observe a historical record of what is occurring/has occurred on a bus.
The most simple way to observe occupancy events is to select only the "Events" filter and apply it.
If more fine granularity is required, the search bar can be used instead.
Changing Sensitivity Via Raw Dali Commands
If you're not using the zencontrol cloud, sensitivity can be changed and queried by using the 303 instance commands, as follows:
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