Presently, zencontrol products do not implement the Feedback standard for LED interaction. The existing standard is limited in its capabilities, offering only basic manual on/off control for LEDs. Instead, our products can autonomously manage their LED states, which enables superior performance through reduced latency and minimized bus communication overhead.
zencontrol switches can be manually configured via eDali (25 bit) commands. This type of command is available using Tridonic SCI on products such as the master configurator. zencontrol Control Systems manage configuration without the need for the user to be aware of this command scheme.
Each eDali command is of the form 0xBE | CONTROL DEVICE Dali Address (in dali address format) | opcode
Generally, the user will be putting some data into DTR0, LED index into DTR1 (if multi led) and then sending a single edali command from the commands below (no repeat necessary).
For example, to instruct the switch at control device address 1 to set dtr0 as primary target, one would set DTR0 (Control device 24 bit DTR) to the required value, as well as DTR1 as the led index (if this is a multi LED product) and then send 0xBE0310 where 0xBE is the prefix, 0x3 is address 1 in dali address format and 0x10 is the opcode for SET_DTR0_AS_PRIMARY_TARGET.
Each switch can have 7 profiles worth of LED tracking. The profile must be changed into to configure, so the user would send 0xBE0321 (or 0xBEFF21 to send all devices into the profile).
The following LED Modes are available on zencontrol zc-switches. There is a wider range of led modes available to the user, using a zencontrol Control System.
Mode | Value | Description |
Comms Status | 0 | Flashes when button pressed |
Inverted Comms Status | 1 | Always on, turns off when pressed |
Target Status | 2 | Is on if target is on (must be direct commands to target to know) |
Inverted Target Status | 3 | Is off if target is on |
Scene Match | 4 | Set LISTEN SCENE to value. If last light command was scene will turn on, otherwise off |
Scene Doesn't Match | 5 | As above but will be on if scene was not last lighting command |
Always On | 10 | Remains On |
Always Off | 12 | Remains Off |
Command | Value |
GO_TO_PROFILE_1 | 0x22 |
GO_TO_PROFILE_2 | 0x23 |
GO_TO_PROFILE_3 | 0x24 |
GO_TO_PROFILE_4 | 0x25 |
GO_TO_PROFILE_5 | 0x26 |
GO_TO_PROFILE_6 | 0x27 |
Command | Value | Description |
SET_DTR0_AS_PRIMARY_TARGET | 0x10 | Must use dali address format shifted 1 to the right, ie 0x81 is normally group 0, must use 0x40. 0xFF -> 0x7F. |
SET_DTR0_AS_LISTEN_SCENE | 0x11 | 0-15 for scene |
SET_DTR0_AS_LED_MODE | 0x12 | See List of led modes above |
SET_DTR0_AS_POWER_ON_MODE | 0x13 | Power on LED mode. |
SET_DTR0_AS_OVERRIDE | 0x14 | Set to 1 to force on, 0 to force off. Useful for manual control |
Command | Value |
Controlling a switch manually:
To put the LEDs in manual mode the following course of events is required:
Step 1:
Establish the channel number of the led.
The channel number is the number after the number of switches on the product (zero indexed).
If the product has 1 switch, switch 1 will be 0, led 1 1
If the product has 2 switches, switches 1-2 will be 0-1, led 1 will be 2, led 2 will be 3
If the product has 4 switches, switches 1-4 will be 0-3, led 1 will be 4, led 2 will be 5, etc
Step 2:
Obtain control device address of product and calculate dali target byte which is
(control device address << 1) | 1
IE, if your address is 1, the resultant dali address byte will be (1 << 1) | 1 = 3
Step 3:
Disable the internal tracking of the led
Set control device DTR to 0x0C
Send eDali (25bit): 0xBE Dali Target 0x12
ie 0xBE03012 to set for address 1
Step 4:
Manual manipulation of the led state
Transmit the 24bit command DTR1:DTR0 (0xC7) with DTR1 = channel number, DTR0 to 1 for ON, 2 for OFF
Send 24bit 0xC70102 for channel number 1 to go to off (0x02)
Send eDali (25bit): 0xBE Dali Target 0x14
ie 0xBE03014 to set for address 1
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